Featured Products
Chunky Planet - Pensioners Watch TV
CD single, featuring bonus tracks History Stops and Israel released August 2004 in Ireland. Chosen as Hot Press (Ireland's leading music magazine) pick of the fortnight, received glowing reviews in the Irish national press and extensive radio play.
An Upbeat edgy pop/rock production that transcends into a smooth acoustic sound.
Annmarie - Litany of the Saints
When Bishop Charles Leigh of Tampa Florida heard Annmarie sing this during a Baptism, he said "We have an angel among us." We hope you enjoy listening to Annmarie as she sings "Litany of the Saints."
This debut release contains 12 original songs in the Irish Folk tradition. There's life, love, youth, old-age, drink, lack of drink, elation, depression, festivals, and flying saucers!
The Vending Machine Heart - Vending Machine Heart E.P.
The Vending Machine Heart is Jason Applin and Stuart Wills. They formed the Vending Machine Heart and started writing acoustic based songs after finding that they had a common admiration for many of the same songwriters - in particular Elliot Smith. The Vending Machine Heart’s music has been described as two parts Elliot Smith to one part Simon and Garfunkel.
Americanaok - Now That's AmericanaOK
Now That's AmericanaOK - the CD compilation features tunes from the great Paul Evans and Tokyo Rosenthal plus an exclusive track from Gina Villalobos from her CD "Days on Their Side."
New Releases
The Love Family - When Time Meant Nothing EP
A four track EP, full of melody, and mood, and power.
Mark James and the Technicolor Vibe - Dangerous Guitars
Mark James and the Technicolor Vibe is a recording project. A selection of some of marks work past and present which focuses on all types of music and genres with a little help from some good friends and talented musicians the end result is a excellent album check it out. Mark will be on tour in the new year in the uk then hopefully other parts of the planet.
Virtual Strangers is a collection of stories about the complexities of modern life, relationships and our reliance on technology. Released Jun 2016
Helder Oliveira - For Eternity
Considered by many the best Neo-Classical Metal album released in 2011 in Portugal.
Annmarie - Litany of the Saints
When Bishop Charles Leigh of Tampa Florida heard Annmarie sing this during a Baptism, he said "We have an angel among us." We hope you enjoy listening to Annmarie as she sings "Litany of the Saints."
This is the story of life, love, new beginnings, and the magical relationship between a mother and child. Available for Baby Girl, Baby Boy, or Karaoke.