Eve Of Mind CDs
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Eve Of Mind

In the turbulent month of January, vocalist Ger went through a very intense & prolific writing period where he wrote a new album in under a fortnight entitled "Welcome To Our Scenery". A concept album, it explains the bands philosophy on life with Fun, Happiness, Freedom & Creative Expression being key factors in their mentality. How this amazing band joined to make such beautiful music happens to be quite a bizarre tale. A very peculiar occurrence of strange events led to this happening. In short, Ger & bassist Brian formed their first band nearly a decade ago, went to New York in 2001, and then left following the chaos of 9/11. Different cocktails of bands were drank by the two but then earlier this year with the birth of these new songs, they found what they had been looking for. Almost immediately everything started fitting into place.

Eve Of Mind’s mass appeal was clearly demonstrated by the overwhelming reaction to their first live performance at the Indie-Pendence Festival held in Cork, Ireland in August 2006. This band do not follow trends, they make them. Eve Of Mind write the soundtrack for independent thought… and can only be fully appreciated by those who think for themselves.
Enjoy EOM
Cork - Ireland.
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